News & Views
- Active Member Certificate
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Journal of Applied Business and Finance Researches (ISSN: 2383-0948) has made remarkable progress since its first publication. Submissions are up each year and the quality of papers has been outstanding. The Journal is covered by good indices including Ulrich's™, OCLC, TOCs, TIB, WorldCat, IndexCopernicus, Genamics, and Google Scholar.
- The Journal is pleased to announce the establishment of "َActive Member Certificate" to active editorial borard members, the guest editors, reviewers and also award certificate to corresponding authors of Most Cited Papers published in the past two years, to show our appreciation to editors/reviewers efforts and also authors that published with us.
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- JABFR active members since 2013 till now are:
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Dr. Mohammad Javad Esfahani
Islamic Azad University,
Naragh,- IRAN
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- as Editorial Board's member of this journal in good standing through 2013 and 2014, denoting a professional contribution as section editor and a personal commitment to the advancement of peer-reviewed publication in JABFR.